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"This is an incredible story of self love and growth with a second chance romance. But the bulk of this story was focused on self acceptance and healing. As a plus size person, I very much resonated with Leslie and her struggles- her mother was reminiscent of my own. I loved how strong Leslie was in her convictions and willingness to change and while the romance wasn’t the main point, I really enjoyed Leslie and Risto’s love story." - @brittyoreads (book influencer)

What We Give Away by Paulette Stout (Romance)

What We Give Away by Paulette Stout (Romance)

@onceuponafrida Let me tell you about a book I finished recently, Georgie Summers and the Scribes of Scatterplot by Isaac Rudansky @isaacjordan is an epic middlegrade adventure, perfect for fans of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. It’s fast paced, filled with interesting characters, a relatable and funny main character, immersive worldbuilding and addictive plot. Highly recommend to anyone from the age of 8-♾️ Still thinking about it over a week later πŸ“– Preorder your copy now to be able to join in on the crack the code challenge, preorders are live on both Barnes & Noble and Amazon! If you’re on Fable, they are currently hosting a giveaway as well! β™₯️ @bookinfluencerscom #GeorgieSummersandtheScribesofScatterPlot #isaacrudansky #bookrecommendations #booktok #middlegradebooks ♬ originalljud - Frida πŸ‰πŸ“šβœ¨
Georgie Summers by Isaac Rudansky (Middle Grade)

Georgie Summers by Isaac Rudansky (Middle Grade)

@books_and_crafts Disney Twisted-Wonderland: The Official Art Book is available now! Find it anywhere you get books! Thank you @VIZ for partnering with me on this book! #disneybooks #disney #twistedwonderland ♬ original sound - Jessica
Disney Twisted-Wonderland Art Book (Manga)

Disney Twisted-Wonderland Art Book (Manga)

@boleestenschrijft Dit was echt een mooi boek en ook een goede reminder voor als je weer eens twijfelt aan de keuzes die je maakt πŸ’œ Bedankt @Kosmos Uitgevers voor dit mooie boek (en alle goodies!!) #idecidedtoliveasme #zelfhulpboek #selfhelpbooks #longvideo #boeken #lezen #boleestenschrijft ♬ origineel geluid - BoπŸͺ»πŸ“–
[Dutch] I Decided To Live As Me by Kim Suhyun (Self Help)

[Dutch] I Decided To Live As Me by Kim Suhyun (Self Help)

@paulaleest YA BOEKENTIP ❀️ Een belangrijk en ontzettend mooi boek: Daar waar werelden botsen van Danielle Jawando. Voor fans van The Hate U Give. πŸ”₯ #boekentips #booktok #daarwaarwereldenbotsen #lezen #daniellejawando @Moonyoungadult @bookinfluencerscom ♬ origineel geluid - Paula ✨ | Boekentips
[Dutch] Daar Waar Werelden Botsen by Danielle Jawando (YA)

[Dutch] Daar Waar Werelden Botsen by Danielle Jawando (YA)

"Thank you Bloomsbury for a copy of You Must Stand Up. Should be required reading. Powerful and moving, You Must Stand Up is a brilliant and poignant legal and cultural analysis. I might buy a copy for every member of my family, if for no other reason than to remind them. #abortionishealthcare" - @amysbooketlist (book influencer)

You Must Stand Up by Amanda Becker (Non-Fiction)

You Must Stand Up by Amanda Becker (Non-Fiction)

@billyleest Ik kan @Xander Uitgevers en @bookinfluencerscom niet genoeg bedanken voor dit pareltje, wat was dit een goed boek. Werkelijk een prachtig verhaal dat ik alleen maar kan aanraden, ik ben zelden zo onder de indruk geweest van een boek, ben er nog steeds ondersteboven van. #TheReadingCowgirl #BillyLeest #recensieexemplaar #gifted // #booktok #boektok #booktokNL #boekrecensie // #deonttoverden ♬ original sound - Billy | booktok | πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ
[Dutch] De Onttoverden by Marie Vareille

[Dutch] De Onttoverden by Marie Vareille

@paulaleest KLASSIEKERS LEZEN πŸ“– Welke klassieker zou je mij aanraden? Ik ga in 2025 sowieso Naar de vuurtoren & Mansfield Park lezen van @uitgeverijrainbow πŸŒˆπŸ’– #naardevuurtoren #mansfieldpark #lezen #boekentips #klassiekers #literatuur #virginiawoolf #booktok @bookinfluencerscom ♬ origineel geluid - Paula ✨ | Boekentips
[Dutch] Jane Austen Classics

[Dutch] Jane Austen Classics

"This book is such a fun adventure for middle grade readers and one that's easy to get lost in for a time. There are detailed descriptions of each main character and their strengths and of the secondary characters and settings as well so it's exciting to envision being a part of their experiences. I enjoyed the wonderful examples of important life lessons and the teachable moments. There are several uplifting messages that encourage kids to trust themselves, make good choices, and to use their gifts wisely to empower themselves and others." - @booksloveandunderstanding (book influencer)

The Sea Train Chronicles by Darian Storm (Middle Grade)

The Sea Train Chronicles by Darian Storm (Middle Grade)

"This was a truly inspiring story about a man that I, admittedly, knew very little about. GoDaddy has never really been something I used in my life, but I’ve definitely heard of it. It was fascinating getting know more about Bob Parsons and who he was as a child to now. It goes to show that no matter how hard or difficult your upbringing is, you can always turn it around! If you’re looking for something real, gritty, and honest, look no further than this memoir!" - @nissa_the.bookworm (book influencer)

Fire In The Hole by Bob Parsons (Memoir)

Fire In The Hole by Bob Parsons (Memoir)

"The dialogues are amazing, I’ve laughed so many times I lost count. Very similar to the funny banter of Percy Jackson. All of these ancient legends put into the modern world, makes for a lot of good gags. Also lots of interesting and fun facts to learn about this mythology, so you kill two birds with one stone! So happy I got to read this book and I absolutely want to read the next one, especially after that ending…" - @onceuponafrida (book influencer)

Stormbringer by G.R. Boden (Middle Grade Fantasy)

Stormbringer by G.R. Boden (Middle Grade Fantasy)

@niesreads Dit is een boek wat je gelezen moet hebben! Bedankt @Robert Bridgeman & @bookinfluencerscom πŸ’š #Booktok #boektoknl #booktoknl #hetgeheimvandemagischestaf #bookreview ♬ original sound - Denise πŸ“–
[Dutch] Het Geheim van de Magische Staf by ChΓ© & Robert Bridgeman (Adventure)

[Dutch] Het Geheim van de Magische Staf by ChΓ© & Robert Bridgeman (Adventure)