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It’s the most wonderful time of the year, which means it’s time to make your own wishlist, wrap presents, and cuddle up with a cozy book. If you’re anything like me, you might be feeling the pressure of finding just the right gifts for your friends and family. Don’t worry: I’m here to help with a few tips, tricks, and the ultimate bookish gift guide for Christmas.
Let’s be honest; a book makes a perfect gift – but a special edition or bookish accessory is even better. Whether you’re shopping for an avid reader or a casual book lover, these ideas are sure to make any bookworm’s holiday season a little brighter.
The sooner you find your presents, the calmer you’ll be. No last-minute Christmas shopping in mega malls that are way to crowded or parcels that don’t arrive. Keep calm, breath and start as early as you can. The less stressed you are, the better you feel yourself during the season. It’s stressful enough already.
The wrapping paper makes the gift. Get 3 types of wrapping paper (one plain, two with print) and match them with ribbon and bows that fit with the colors. For example: match a kraft-colored wrapping paper with a dark green, white or red ribbon.
How to know which book to get for a friend? The best trick is to have a little look at their shelves. Take pictures to remember what kind of books they already have so you don’t buy a book they already own. Look for authors they love, goodies on their shelves they like (maybe a Funkopop or a candle). If you are sending out a book to a friend who doesn’t live nearby, browse their shelves on their digital book tracking app or look for their Amazon wishlist.
We all know them: the people who seem to have everything. And you can’t think of a book they really want. My best tip is to start at Uncommon Goods. A website filled with gifts you never thought of. If you click on ‘reading’ at ‘interest’ your page is filled with bookish goodies in seconds. Thank me later.
Make a list of who you want to buy something for
An overview of what you need to do is everything during December. Make a list and write down all the names of friends and family you want to buy something for. Just don’t keep everything in your head, write everything down and ask for help if you need. You don’t have to shop or do everything on your own.
I hope there is something here to help you find the perfect gift for your loved ones!
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