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My bookish experience has been quite an adventure. My love for books started at a very young age. I come from a family of avid readers who have always encouraged my love for books, so it’s no surprise I became a bookworm. In 2019, I discovered Bookstagram and the book community, and I couldn’t have been more excited. Books have always been a significant part of my life and I took a real interest in content creation when the pandemic started. Becoming a bookish content creator gave me a place to be creative and share my love for books with people who have the same interests.
I know we always say don’t judge a book by its cover but honestly, often it’s the cover that usually catches my eye and makes me want to immediately check out the synopsis and sign up for the campaigns. Incentives are also a motivator when signing up. Getting physical books, gift cards, or even monetary compensation adds extra excitement to joining a book campaign.
What I would generally do is firstly check if the tour is for International, US, or UK (I look for international campaigns). Next, I would find out the genre of the book I’m interested in and read the synopsis to find out if it’s a book I would enjoy. If it is a genre or story, I think I would enjoy I’ll sign up. Then I read the book, post some reading updates (a quote, reaction, or my progress) then post my review to my socials.
A few ways I engage with my audience is through Q&A on my post or posting reading updates/progress via Instagram stories. One of my favorite ways to engage is by posting quotes or little snippets from the book I’m currently reading. A good quote has a way of grabbing your attention and making you want to add a book to your TBR.
Audience engagement and connecting with fellow readers are key factors in determining the success of a post. I’m not just talking about the number of likes. Having someone comment about the book, saying that they would like to read it or telling me what they love about it, is also a win for me.
The best part about book tours is connecting to new authors and discovering new genres. I’ve read genres that I normally wouldn’t and now have some new favorites.
The best part of the book community is the people. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming and always ready for a bookish-fueled rant and to provide endless recommendations. I’ve met some of my favorite people in the book community.
My advice would be to choose book tours you are genuinely interested in or for genres you really enjoy. Your best content will always show in books you love.
Are you a publisher or author looking to reach new audiences and readers through Bookinfluencers.com? Contact contact@bookinfluencers.com, and we will help you out!
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